Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What do Jay Leno and I have in common?

The Tonight Show host Jay Leno is a serious comedian (quite an oxymoron, don't you think?). In his spare time, he is said to be busy writing up jokes (quite a job, don't you think?). Every time he saw his nemesis, presumably Dave Letterman, hanging out with celebrities in Knicks games, he felt even more motivated. "Ha, I caught you having fun when I am busy working. I beat you!" That is the attitude when you want to do something serious. Remember, when Leno took over the host from retiring Johnny Carson and replaced the 2nd-in-line Letterman, almost no one believed Leno would beat Letterman, who fled to CBS later. Now, The Tonight Show is constantly having better rating than the Late Show with Dave Letterman.

So, what did you do over the break? I hope you didn't go out and have too much fun because your competitors were working really hard.

(Picture: tv.yahoo.com)

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