Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The worst school in America

David Horowitz, the author of the book "The Professors", went on to Fox News to discuss the worst school in America. Guess what? It was UC Santa Cruz!

I don't recall our school has made it to the national media in any sort. I don't watch news channels very often, but got to hear what this guy had to say. It turned out that he was bashing the liberal leaning academia in general and UC Santa Cruz happened to be his pick of the day. I don't deny the fact that our school is very liberal, or sometimes communist like, but the political propaganda Mr. Horowitz hates so much is never seen in economics classes.

Well, any publicity is good publicity. I just hope our undergrads can tell which professor is imposing his/her own view of the world and which one is helping you to become the RIGHT intellectual.

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