Friday, September 28, 2007

My tribute to Freakonomics

The stuff discussed in Freakonomics have raised plenty of eyebrows among economists. Some criticize the book undermines economics research by attracting too many brilliant young minds to work on less important issues. No matter what they say, it is hard not to become one of those freakonomist-wannabes after reading the book.

I was already in the Ph.D. program when I read the book. Still I like the stuff so much that I decided to have my first paper on the same line of thinking. After a year of grueling work, I am now presenting my first paper/draft as an economist: Does how much doctors are paid matter?

Rough might it be, but I can say it is very original. Alas, I have to move on to exchange rate models. After all, they are my ticket to teach in business school.


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