Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Commitment device

Freakonomist Steven D. Levitt has a hilarious account of "commitment device" on his blog. I have never heard of the name, but created something similar in my mind. I called it "revolving door mechanism". Basically, the idea is like this: people are generally lazy, or preoccupied by something else, or simply dare not take the risk to pursue things they truly want, but if they somehow put their feet inside the revolving door, they will have no choice but to finish it up.

Life has too many distractions for me (thank god, playing video games isn't one of them). I am always interested in doing different stuffs. I realized that it is not a good thing as I age and that I should probably get a revolving door for myself. Entering an economics Ph.D. program might be it. Since I am studying economics now, I shall say, "I finally found myself a commitment device".


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